June 27, 2010

Iced Houjicha(Roasted Green Tea)

Houjicha is green tea from the last harvest of the season that has been roasted at high heat.  Kukicha(twig tea) and sencha(steamed green tea) can also be roasted to make houjicha.  The result is a very aromatic tea with a mild toasty flavor.  The roasting process decreases the amount of caffeine, so this tea is perfect as an evening beverage.

Houjicha is especially refreshing as an iced summer drink.  Usually sugar is not added to it.  We make it by using about 5-6 teaspoons of the roasted houji tea with 64 oz hot water.  Steep for 10-15 minutes, cool and refrigerate.  Serve with ice.  Give it a try this summer!

Breakfast - Granola with bananas and Greek yogurt with Matcha

...with a dab of whipped cream for extra sweetness.  The Greek yogurt is a bit tart, but it goes quite well with the sweet bananas and granola.  There are more banana slices buried under the yogurt.  

You can use any type of yogurt, vanilla or plain, and add matcha to it for extra nutrition and color.  I'm not a fan of non-fat yogurt(maybe I should be!) but I just can't get past the artificial taste.  Next time I'm going to try the vanilla flavored Activia yogurt with this.  Activia is the yogurt that in my opinion comes closest to wonderful, full-fat Japanese yogurt(well, besides Brown Cow organic yogurt but that's not so easy to find).

You can use either Ippuku Matcha Latte Powder for both the matcha and sugar, or the straight Matcha for Cooking and add your own sweetener if the yogurt doesn't contain any.  I think this would be great topped off with a little bit of drizzled honey.:)

June 21, 2010

Summer's here! Shaken Iced Matcha(Green Tea) Americano Recipe

Here's a simple recipe to ring in summer:

1 cup water
2 tsp Ippuku Matcha Latte Powder*
Martini shaker

Add all ingredients to martini shaker; shake well until matcha latte powder dissolves.  Pour into tall serving glass and enjoy.  NOTE: Our Ippuku Matcha Latte Powder contains no dairy or filler ingredients, just 100% Japanese stone ground matcha and sugar.

*If you prefer no sweetener, then you can use Ippuku Matcha For Cooking instead, and leave out the sweetener or add Splenda, stevia, honey, etc to taste.


Just Add Matcha: Rice Pudding

 I recently purchased some Kozy Shack rice pudding because I had been hearing about how delicious it is. So I tried it, and it was indeed pretty tasty. As is the case with manythings that I eat, I wondered what it would taste like with matcha added to it.

So I pulled my little tin of stone ground Japanese green matcha tea from the freezer and added about 1/2 a teaspoon of it to the rice pudding. It tasted amazing! I added fresh raspberries and if the matcha hadn't put it over the top the raspberries sure did. I suggest you try it!

June 13, 2010

"MisDo Matcha Festival" - or, What I Wouldn't Give To Be At Mr. Donut Right Now

Anyone who has spent any time in Japan will know about the fun and innovative donut shop chain, Mr. Donut.  The last time we were in Japan, we were obsessed with a donut called "pon de ring" - a deliciously chewy, glazed flower or lion mane-shaped glob from heaven. 

Then I discover that MisDo is having a Matcha(steamed, ground Japanese green tea) Festival looks like my favorite donut in the world now comes dipped in matcha chocolate!  That alone is worth an immediate flight booking.  

Their custard cream donut has been reincarnated as a matcha-chocolate covered donut with azuki beans and cream filling.  The French Crueller is now dunked in Japanese matcha too.

They have new matcha drinks as well - iced matcha latte with either azuki-flavored soft gelatin or custard gelatin. 

Isn't matcha just amazing and wonderfully versatile? For those who have yet to try matcha - we can hook you up.  You'll love it!

Disclosure: No compensation was paid to me by Mr. Donut for writing this post.  However, I would like to let them know that I'd be more than happy to wear a MisDo uniform and dredge myself in matcha on live Japanese TV in exchange for a Matcha Pon De Ring!:)

June 02, 2010

Like drinking matcha? Now you can wear it!

I just spotted this page on Etsy called SouZou Creations.  SouZou means "creation through imagination".   Artist Sofia offers handmade "kawaii" (cute) Japanese food and sweet accessories.

The piece that I'm particularly fond of is the "Matcha Ceremony" ring:

 Kawaii Cute Japanese Ring Matcha Green Tea Cup in Ceremony

If you like matcha, or totally cute Japanese stuff, and would like a wearable version of your favorite Japanese food, be sure to check out her page on Etsy.