Lavender is such a beautiful and fragrant herb. For those of us who get the crafty bug during the holidays, lavender is an inexpensive and versatile choice for various projects. Here are a couple of interesting things that can be made with lavender:
- Here's a delicious-looking recipe for lavender tea cookies. As a healthier alternative I would also try the frosting recipe and add lavender to this oat-based recipe.
- Make a Lavender Eye Pillow using two pieces of fabric (see Easy Eye Pillow Pattern), 3 cups flax seed or uncooked rice (not instant), 2-3 tbsp. lavender flowers and lavender essential oil. I don't know about you, but this is one homemade gift I would love to receive!
- This is an interesting one - you can make a light lavender water cologne using 1 cup lavender flower buds, 1 cup distilled water and 4 tablespoons vodka. Combine, shake well and let infuse for a couple of weeks, making sure to shake the mixture daily. Strain liquid into a container and add a little lavender essential oil if the perfume is not strong enough to your liking.
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