March 20, 2012

Keep it simple with Matcha

Since the beginning of the year I've embarked on a mission of healthy eating and exercise. (Mind you, as I say this I am sitting at my desk eating a Pepperidge Farm Milano cookie...hey, I can't be perfect all the time!).

Along the way I've been introduced to different health shakes and beverages that are believed to make you healthier, slimmer and stronger.  I don't find that hard to believe.  But unfortunately, for me anyway, these specialty concoctions tend to cost a lot of money that I either don't have or would rather allocate to other things.  Every time I am tempted to shell out money for something like this I tell myself, "Wait - I have Matcha!".

Matcha is the all-natural, go-to tea that provides in itself a wonderful boost of nutrients.   What you see is what you get - one ingredient that you can add to a multitude of foods to make them even healthier. A little of it goes a long way, so you can put away the giant scoop and get out the teaspoon instead.  The flavor is earthy and delicious; it's no wonder that green tea is one of the most popular flavors in Asia.  It is also believed to be a weight loss booster.

So after a workout, you can add a little matcha to a banana-almond milkshake; you can even throw in a bit of protein powder to feed your muscles.  Or add some matcha to some fresh squeezed orange juice or soy milk for a quick energy shot.  My most recent favorite?  Matcha Oatmeal.  The color is divine and the flavor lends well to blueberries and some natural sweetener.

If you're on a path to wellness, find a place for matcha in your life. You will love its versatility.